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By iProject Master Analyst, Posted on 09-02-25

Towards the end of studying in institutions, it is mandatory for students to source for or be presented with a pool of topics of interest for their final year project. They then choose a suitable project topic and seek approval of their lecturer. Having gotten the approval, it then becomes necessary to do intensive research and fact finding over the chosen topic.
Final year project topics are important as it leads the scholar into a dedicated, self motivated and unbiased quest for knowledge not only on the topic but on the application of the concepts involved in real world scenarios.
However, final year project research methodology writing requires some level of expertise and common practices in order to gain acceptance by the targeted audience.
Research Methodology
The methodology chapter is an important chapter in every project.  It should outline why you chose a particular method in solving your challenge(s) and also how you intend to collect and analyse your data. The research methodology part of the project should provide detailed explanation and description of all methods and procedures deployed in conducting the study.
Typically, this section should include the following sub-topics:
•       Introduction:  this part is used to introduce the challenge and the purpose of the study. Its aim is to familiarize the reader with the challenge. The under listed sub-topics among others alike could be included in the introduction chapter:
•       Background of the challenge
•       General objective or purpose of the research
•       Scope of the research
•       summary
•       Research design: This section is where you as the researcher can define and defend your choice of the specific research design or strategy used in carrying out the research.
•       Population and sample: Population in this context refers to the whole group of people, objects, events or things that the researcher wishes to understudy. Population forms a basis from which the sample or subjects for the study is derived. You can and in fact should describe the characteristics of the population involved in the research in this section.
•       Data collections methods: All methods involved in data collection for the project should be penned down in this section. The conventional methods for obtaining data in a research may include interviews, questionnaires and observation techniques among others.
•       Research procedures: This is an avenue to give details of all steps taken in the conduct of the research.
•       Data analysis method: All data analysis methods and how they were derived should be highlighted and described in this section of the project.
•       Summary: The researcher should give an overall summary of all main elements discussed in the methodology section of the project in the summary section. This section is important as it can give hints and attract the interest of readers at a glance.
Finally, scholars or prospective final year project research methodology writers should know that the write up is not exhaustive as they could find other additions through investigative study and research to help choose final year project topics and develop quality contents.

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